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Does my rabbit hate me?

I’ve toilet-trained my rabbit, Lily, to only pee in her litterbox with finely sliced birch wood floor padding and hay, so that:
A) I don’t have to clean her entire space as regularly or deeply, I only have to disinfect and wash out her litterbox.
B) I can bring her inside for up to an hour and a a half long periods (frequently throughout the day, of course.)
When I bring her in and have her in my bed for a bit, she only likes to sit at the foot of my bed. She lets me pat her and gets quite comfy when I do, sometimes even thumping when I stop. She grinds her teeth in I believe a purring manner, and really settles into the bed.
However, when I’m not down the end of the bed and I’m lying in my bed in a way that’s comfortable for ME, she scratches and (sometimes, it has gotten rarer as she’s gotten older, she’s 1 year and two months old) bites the shit out of my sheets. She very rarely, maybe once every 4 months, will pee in the bed, and I feel like sometimes she has just been angry with me. She has a hutch in my courtyard (my courtyard, around 208 square feet) but it’s only if she chooses to use it. I never lock her in there unless I’m locking her in there for an hour or so for peeing insides so that she understands it’s bad. She has two water bowls and has access to hay 24/7 and I feed her pellets through a shaker toy every morning. She will frequently come up to the glass door and scratch at it or lay beneath it if she sees me through the glass, because I think she knows I’ll give her pats if I see she’s there. She’s not begging for attention, she gets plenty of attention from my mum and step-dad (yes I live with my parents, I’m 16) and she’s interacted with I’d say an average of 15-20 times a day, including just sitting at the door to pat her, bringing her into my bed and giving her pats, or taking her into the front yard to let her eat grass and brush her, though my parents only really pat her at the door. She never really objects to being picked up or patted unless I pick her up from behind or try to pick her up or pat her while she’s obviously trying to hide and chill out under things like my barbecue and my big outdoor chair. The roof of our house extends over the courtyard and the dividing fence between our neighbours’ house and ours goes so high that there’s about 1.5 feet of a gap between the fence and our roof, giving her some sunlight throughout the day.
She is my only rabbit. Does she hate me, or has she just got personality?

Does my rabbit hate me?
byu/Impressive-Summer940 inRabbits

by Impressive-Summer940

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