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Tell Me About Your Naughty Rabbits: Featuring Peter

So as some of you know Peter is a jerk to me lol, but with age and the loss of Levi his personality has changed a little bit and I’m almost thinking now that he’s bipolar.
Why I’m coming to this conclusion you say? Well I just had the most heart touching cuddle session with him in my bed after cleaning his goopy eyes and not once did this little turd resist me, or flinch or try to flee. Yet right as it was getting good he sits up, turns his head and takes the biggest chop out of my arm before hopping off my bed to go back to his pen. I just sat there in complete shock and now I have a giant welt on my arm. So now I want to hear the stories on Reddit of y’all’s naughty rabbits that make you say colorful language. Because after that I’ve never swore so much at such betrayal in my life (this is a joke and not a joke at the same time. I do have colorful nicknames for Peter but I never say very foul things to him)

by animeangelmia

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