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Harry just suddenly passed away. I’m sick of everything, I’m tempted to just rehome T-Shirt so I don’t have to hurt this way again. I don’t understand it.

Picture is Harry a year ago today vs him the other day with his brothers at “the meeting point” (the place in the center where their x-pens connect).

I’ve done everything right. Thousands in vet bills, constant monitoring, toys, cleaning, everything!

He was so happy!

Just an hour ago, he was hopping and eating and playing with me. He just hopped up to me an hour ago for attention and I scratched his head and chin and he flipped for me, then hopped away like it was nothing. His litter box has been completely normal. I’ve watched him poop today. I’ve watched him eat and drink today, he even ate hay out of my hand.

This is the second to die unexpectedly, the other one passed a couple of months ago.

I don’t think it was RDHV2, but there was nowhere within driving distance that offered the vaccine and I couldn’t afford a plane ticket to get them vaccinated, and they wouldn’t have tolerated the flight, so the vaccine was off the table. I looked everywhere local for the vaccine.

I’m terrified for T-Shirt now because they just got around their x-pens yesterday and I walked in on T-Shirt grooming him. They were both so happy. I’m now scared T-Shirt will get sick or grieve him.

They both loved to lay up against their x-pens and spend time together there. The vet said this was a necessary precaution in case they fought and got more abcesses, but I looked both of them over THOROUGHLY for injuries and there was nothing on either of them. Clean as a whistle.

I don’t know what to do or what I could’ve done. My heart hurts so badly. I wish he had some sort of symptoms so I could at least have an idea.

I know there’s no way to know but this is two in the span of a few months. Now I’m so paranoid for the other two. I know this sounds horrible but I’m tempted to just rehome them and call it a day because I can’t hurt like this again. I can’t keep doing it. I ended up with a pregnant stray cat whos kittens came down with URIs within their first week of life and they’ve already bounced back but I keep being given sick animals because everyone knows I’m “the animal person” and I know how to handle sick animals but I can’t keep having the stress and heartache. I’ve done everything I can.

If throwing more money at it would’ve saved him I’d have done it, but I had no warning this time. He actually seemed to have fully recovered from his abcesses.

Just an hour ago we were playing and hopping and snuggling and then he was gone. That’s it. Nothing I could’ve done because he was completely asymptomatic and I couldn’t get the damn vaccine here, not that it was likely to be that here with no reported cases anyhow.

I’m tired y’all. I want to throw in the towel.

by Sewing_girl_101

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