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My dramatic cotton ball decided to have a medical emergency the day before my wedding

Lancelot decided to get GI stasis the day before my long-anticipated wedding day. My fiancé (actually husband now OMG) and I were so worried about our boy!! 😭😭😭 He is okay now (we got the good news the morning of our wedding), and we got to take him home yesterday. Dramatic lil baby.

by Geese-Are-Terrible


  1. Oh Lancelot. Keeping your parents on their toes. Congrats on your wedding and get well soon little bun!

  2. SirLeoritch

    Life is full of surprises, glad to hear bunny is good. Congrats on your nuptials

  3. WyrdHarper

    “I heard you wanted to have a day that was about you, and not me. Don’t worry, I have corrected the situation.”

    I’m glad he’s doing better!

  4. Quadrophenic97

    My fiancée asked the really important question, “Did he get to keep the hat?” Hopefully, he did so you can get some post wedding pictures with him.

  5. God bless amazing vet techs like these!!I have to drop off my baby for a CT scan tomorrow and I’m still very nervous but feel that he’s in good hands with my vet and her staff 🥹

  6. the_cockodile_hunter

    I just went down a rabbithole of your webcomics and just wanna say I love the fact that the big ol rabbit is named Gus 😭 (our big tripod bunny is Gus so we’re a little biased)

    So glad Lancelot is all recovered! And congratulations to you and husband 🙂

  7. revrenlove

    Your vet tech seems like a delightful human being.

  8. CrazyH37

    That hat exchange w the tech is just absolutely glorious. I’d be over the moon to get that pic 😝 so happy he’s doing better and congrats!

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