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bunny has become an escape artist

i’ve had my rescue bunny for almost 2 months and he’s starting to get really comfortable with me, which is adorable, but he’s also getting very bold. at night we put him in an x-pen that’s about 2 feet high and for these 2 months, he’s been perfectly happy with that. he chewed the bars a bit but stopped when i gave him more enrichment and extra hay at night.

however….last night he somehow escaped this pen twice!! the door was firmly closed and there’s nothing in there for him to use as a step so i assume he’s just flinging his little body over the fence. he doesn’t rlly chew wires but does sometimes go for baseboards or house plants and i don’t like leaving him to roam unsupervised at night. i also don’t want him to get hurt or stuck while trying to escape. how do i reinforce his pen so this won’t happen?

by OrkishBoyfriend

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