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Buns who I’ve had for years suddenly will not stop peeing in corner outside litterbox—help please, I’m going crazy!

Hi everyone!

Would so appreciate help with this one—I’m truly stumped. I have a pair of free roam and spoiled rotten buns, both fixed. My boy is 4 years old, my girlie is an elderbun who is a rescue so not sure how old she is. Both are in fantastic shape (just took them to the vet for a clean bill of health) and neither have any problem whatsoever jumping into this litterbox. This is also the first time I’ve ever had issues with either of them having accidents.

Basically, I’m having issues with one of my buns peeing in the corner outside their litterbox (image included of the fresh “crime scene”). For context, this started happening roughly two weeks ago. It only ever happens at night when everyone is asleep. Started off with a one off which I assumed at the time was an accident, then every other night, and now it’s every single night. They have other bigger litterboxes and this does not happen anywhere else. This box happens to be near where they sleep at night.

Each time this happens, I thoroughly clean with vinegar and de-scent the entire area and then put a fresh pee pad down (gotta protect my floors). I’ve tried putting down a much bigger litterbox to cover the area (though this one wasn’t long enough to completely erase the “corner” that the box makes with the wall). Tried a night light in case my elderbun couldn’t see. Tried taking the resident pee pad away in case they were trying to mark the pad. Also it’s not that they’re peeing over the edge of the box, they’re choosing to mark this corner rather than get in the box (I can tell by the positioning of the pee etc etc).

Can anybody please please give me ideas to help stop this? I’m worried it’s a habit at this point and I’m just confused. I have an Easy Access litterbox on the way in case the height is an issue (though I seriously doubt that since they both routinely jump three times this height). I’m just at a loss for ideas!

by sydni_x

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