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Hello. Looking for advice or feedback from someone who has done it before….I would like to collect my bunnies droppings to make organic fertilizer/compost to sell in my neighborhood. I line their waste baskets with Timothy hay. When stored in a typical bucket, most of the waste ends up being hay. I’m wondering if I should get an actual rotating compost bin to see if the hay will break down. Any advice helps as I’m just getting started. Thank you! #Dot (hiding in the wine rack) and Pepino (eating his favorite treat in the garden) 💜

by Icy_Bike_2320


  1. kragzazet

    I separate the hay and the soiled litter into different piles (I use wood pellets for the litter). The hay basically becomes mulch that doesn’t break down much but helps with water retention in the garden when placed over the soil. The wood pellet + rabbit poop becomes mixed in with my normal gardening soil, I don’t even really let it decompose before mixing even though I probably should. I just scrape the majority of the hay off the top with my hands, it’s okay if a bit of hay stays in with the fertilizer.

  2. Is that a lemon cucumber? My bun Sophie loves lemon cucumbers.

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