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I don’t own this small fella but he’s one of the bunnies that live under my school :3

I don’t own this small fella but he’s one of the bunnies that live under my school :3

by Lazy_Venusaur


  1. Cuddly_sphinx

    This looks like a domestic rabbit and likely won’t be able to survive long In the wild. Do you know of there’s a way you can get it to a shelter or rescue?

  2. CoralSpringsDHead

    That is a beautiful domestic bunny. It should not be kept in the wild. I hope all of them find a nice safe home.

  3. Garfielf331

    I thought that was a giant hotdog in the background

  4. He’s so precious!
    I hope you find him (and his family) a good home.

  5. [deleted]

    That’s a dwarf Rex and is 100% a domestic rabbit

  6. Gauntet7514

    Oh no its the killer Rabbit of Caerbannog

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