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Please send good thoughts Amelia’s way

Bringing her to the ER vet this morning due to not eating/pooping and general not-herself-ness. Praying that everything is okay.

by FluffyGreenTurtle


  1. Frequent-Phrase-6243

    I hope she feels better soon.

  2. helenabunbun

    Sending well wishes to Amelia and you! Poor baby

  3. I hope she gets better! Make sure they get an xray, my bun had a calcium stone in her bladder that they only found on our second visit 2 weeks later. She had a lot of the same symptoms.

  4. SpoopsandBoops

    Get well soon, Amelia! Sending you and your hoom positive vibes and nose boops! ❤

  5. Get better sweetie if she’s bloated, she might have G.I. stasis when that happens I always give my bunnies Mylicon. It is an infant gas medicine and it saves their lives every time. It’s absolutely safe!

  6. adhdtypewriter

    Fingers are crossed for this gorgeous little chonker. Hope you’re able to get her eating and feeling better again.

  7. alkalinepines

    Oh no poor bb! I know your pain my bun just got out of the er recently. All the good vibes to Amelia!!!

  8. Tribaltech27

    We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers

  9. BunniesKickPaws

    Sending love and healing energy her way ❤️

  10. Eastern-Dig4765

    Poor baby. How did it go with the vet?

  11. leopardsugabush

    Any updates? May baby girl get better soon 💕

  12. BlueOcean79

    Sending you lots of love, sweet Amelia ❤️

  13. Far_Ad_4382

    Oh no I’m so sorry hopefully you caught it soon enough that she will make a full recovery. I know how scary this is I had my bun go the this. You should get emergency kit Sherwood it’s amazing for gi stasis but going to er is best because you don’t know what is going on good job on that move. Please give us updates

  14. Far_Ad_4382

    Learn how to do belly massages to they help get things moving

  15. Devanino

    Feel better soon Amelia! We are in need of more picture of you once you’re better!!

  16. FluffyGreenTurtle

    UPDATE!! Amelia is doing so much better! Had an exam and an x-ray at the ER vet, she had no internal signs of GI stasis (they saw poops in her system), but she was still being way less feisty than normal. The vet gave her pain meds and critical care and sent some home with us to give her over the next few days.

    We’ve separated her from Attila and she has pooped now, although she also passed some cecotropes (that she didn’t eat) in addition to some regular poops. Husband saw her eating hay earlier, and she also ate some lettuce we gave her. She also is mostly back to her feisty self and not terribly bothered to be stuck in her x-pen for the time being.

    Thank you so, so much to everyone for the good thoughts and well-wishes <3 Was a stressful, scary day, but she’s on the upswing. Just important to keep an eye on her for the next few days. So grateful for this community!

  17. Possible-Bit5815

    I hope your beautiful bun feels better

  18. ChampionshipWeary449

    Sending the best wishes and fast recover to your sweet and Bella Amelia 🙏

  19. heyitsmenotyou

    I hope she is feeling better soon ♥️

  20. Mysepulver

    I’m so happy that she pulled through! I knew she would!❤️

  21. DMGlowen

    Hugs, skritches and much love to you and the bun.

    The skritches are for her….. unless you really need them too.

    I am not being naughty.

  22. Valaryn1641

    Sending get well soon prayers your way! As a bun parent who just went through a crazy level of “what is wrong with my baby”, you advocating for her is truly what will save the day. Even for vets, bunnies can be ridiculously hard to diagnose and your observations of her behavior can point them in the right direction. In case any of these are worth looking into in your situation, our bunny’s recent crazy situation was caused by: a super well hidden ear infection (so she didn’t want to chew hard things because her head hurt and ate less fiber), which then made her teeth worse (our bunny has regrowing molar spurs, so not enough hard food caused them to grow back earlier than usual) which tipped the balance on her constipation caused by her undiagnosed back arthritis, causing a rectal prolapse. It took five days of consecutive vet visits to be properly diagnosed, because I felt something wasn’t right still with little symptoms that were weird for our Phoebe. As a note of something to watch for: our Phoebe is sensitive to Buprinorphine and will get so high (pretty sure she can taste sound and smell colors) on it that she won’t eat much at all, which can be rather counter-productive for a GI stasis patient. If you think Amelia is a bit too loopy on her pain meds, your vet may be able to offer something milder (we switched to Metacam). Hopefully this was a one time thing and Ms. Amelia feels better soon.

  23. baboon_bananapants

    Hoping the best for your special friend!

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