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I wouldn’t be here without my Lola bunny. I have had the toughest year of my life, I’ve felt like quitting so many times. Every morning & night I snuggle up with her and she reminds me how much love we have for eachother. When people say “it’s just a rabbit” – they couldn’t be further from the truth

I wouldn’t be here without my Lola bunny. I have had the toughest year of my life, I’ve felt like quitting so many times. Every morning & night I snuggle up with her and she reminds me how much love we have for eachother. When people say “it’s just a rabbit” – they couldn’t be further from the truth

by pinkfairykm


  1. MegamuffinChip

    My Poppy girl is the same for me…she got me through loss of family, my last year of college, and my anxiety/depression. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her, she really helps me want to keep moving forward in life

  2. noel_stella

    I don’t get why people say ‘it’s just a rabbit’, no he’s my reason to get up when I’m depressed, to be calm when I’m manic, to basically do stuff when I can’t do anything. I know that I have to wake up in the morning, let him go to the bedroom, have a morning binky session, then he chills or goes crazy, depending on the day and in the evening we have cuddles and he gets dinner and goes to bed. For me he’s the reason that I can’t be in bed for the whole day and the reason that I can’t be loud and unmanageable. And I know that I have to clean his space, so that’s another thing. He helps me with existing.

  3. BigBossWesker4

    I will never mourn a person like I will my bun daughter Sundae. That little critter has shown me unconditional love and I can never repay her

  4. Loose_Bottom

    Love the one of Lola sticking her tongue out!

  5. witch_of_winooski

    There’s no such thing as ‘just a rabbit’. *Ever*.

  6. PlantsVsMorePlants

    “I adopt this foundling as my own ~~son~~ daughter.”

    This is the way.

  7. Honest_Alfalfa4218

    I swore my Monica was an angel

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